Our hearts are full of thanks to the Lord for all He's done through Bibles for America (BfA) this year. Despite the ongoing pandemic and other distressing world events, we believe God has been working behind the scenes and using these circumstances to turn many more hearts to Him.
In 2021, we gave away 111,000 free copies of the New Testament Recovery Version, and we continue to explore new ways of reaching even more people with God's Word. We're grateful for your continued prayers and the generous support of our donors. May the Lord continue to use BfA to bring people the truth, comfort, hope, and reality that can be found only in the Word of God.
This is the most amazing study Bible. It spells everything out in the most detail that I have ever run across, and it has opened my eyes. It's just amazing. Everybody needs one. —Peggy, Holiday, FL
Since moving into our new distribution center in 2020, we've continued to ship out Bibles at a steady rate. Many improvements have been made to streamline the workflow and packaging process, including implementing a new labeling system that includes order tracking.
The ongoing pandemic has had an impact on our operations in different ways, including manpower shortages and supply chain issues that have the potential to delay shipments of Bibles. In spite of these limitations, this year we were able to send out copies of the New Testament Recovery Version to every state in the US, reaching people all over this country. We pray that everyone who receives one would be enlightened and nourished by the riches in the Word of God.
Please pray that in spite of the ongoing logistical challenges, we would be able to meet the growing demand for God's Word and the Bibles would go out unhindered. Pray also that the Lord would continue to provide the manpower needed to assemble and package the Bibles and books in a timely manner so that His Word would continue to spread throughout this country.
Thank you so much for my Bible. I've been reading it and it's just opened my understanding in ways that I never understood before. I read the Scripture, then the commentary, then the Scripture over and over and the understanding is there. Understanding the Scriptures is so different than just reading and not getting it. —Susan, Houston, TX
BfA also offers a free physical book title or set of books to residents of the United States. During 2021, the free book offer was for The All-inclusive Christ. This wonderful book describes how the good land in Deuteronomy is a picture of the all-inclusive, unlimited Christ and how we believers can experience His bountiful riches. We're currently working on a new book offer that will be available at the beginning of 2022.
In addition to the physical book offer, 7 titles are available to download for free on our site. These e-books are available to anyone with an internet connection and have been downloaded by people from all over the world.
Since its launch in 2013, the BfA Blog has continued to grow in readership. While many blog readers are from the United States, the blog also reaches people around the world. In 2021 alone, over 1.5 million people from 220 different countries visited the blog, including readers from the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Syria, Kuwait, Iran, Afghanistan, and Iraq.
There are over 200 posts on the BfA Blog, which are sorted into different categories to help blog readers explore topics that interest them. Those categories include Prayer, The Human Spirit, Peace vs. Anxiety, Experiencing Jesus, and Understanding God's Word.
The most popular posts in 2021 were:
Our hope is that everyone who reads a blog post would be enlightened and nourished, and would also be encouraged in their walk with the Lord Jesus.
I am really touched and blessed this particular morning. I see the post as my breakfast. It has given me a new insight and different dimension of the text ‘Blessed are the poor in spirit.’ Thank you. –Patrick, the Netherlands, in response to
What Does it Mean to be Poor in Spirit?
Video continues to be one of the most popular ways people choose to consume content. In order to reach this growing audience, we've been working on more videos to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and the truth and reality in the Word of God.
Earlier this year, we released four new videos as part of our gospel series:
Our hope is that the gospel of Jesus Christ would reach many more people through these videos. Please feel free to share them with your friends, family, neighbors, and colleagues via text message, email, and social media.
As we reflect over the last 21 years of BfA's history, we are so thankful to the Lord for all that He's done. In that time, more than 1.8 million copies of the New Testament Recovery Version have been sent out to people in every part of this country.
As we look to the future, we believe that the hunger for God's Word will only continue to increase. We are continuing to explore different ways of reaching people with the gospel and the truth, including hosting webinars and expanding our video production.
Our goal is to give away 2 million Bibles by the end of 2022 and 3 million more Bibles by the end of 2030. We pray that more people will be satisfied, comforted, and encouraged by the life and light in God's Word.
The following video includes a brief summary of BfA's history, where we are today, and our hope for the future.
in oneness with our Savior God, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth. Specifically, please pray that:
to participate in the spreading of God’s Word. Your gifts will help cover:
To learn more about the different ways to give, please visit bfa.org/give.