We at Bibles for America (BfA) are so thankful to the Lord for all He has done this year. He has caused many people throughout this country to seek Him in His Word and led them to order New Testaments and Christian books from us. And thanks to the generous support of our donors, we’ve been able to supply these seeking hearts with God’s Word freely. Here are a few highlights from the past year we think you’ll enjoy reading. Praise the Lord for all He has done and will continue to do!
I just want to thank you for the New Testament that you sent me for free! It’s the best Bible and it’s easy to understand. I was so excited when I received it in the mail a couple of days ago. God bless you richly for helping those who can't help themselves! —Gail, El Cajon, CA
2023 was another record-breaking year for the number of Bibles given away, speaking to the abiding desire in many across the US to read the Word of God. This year, copies of the New Testament Recovery Version were sent to over 17,000 different cities in all 50 states and 10 US territories. People’s hunger for the truth continues to grow, and we’re so thankful that we were able to help meet this need.
Last year, we set a goal of distributing another 2 million Bibles by 2032; thanks to this year’s record numbers, we’re on track to meet this goal. In 2023, we gave away more than 215,000 copies of the New Testament Recovery Version, a 17% increase over 2022 and more than we’ve ever given away in a single year.
I lost my Bible. Thank you so much for mailing me a free one. I cannot live without it. —Amy Beth, Sarasota, FL
This year, we continued giving away physical copies of Basic Elements of the Christian Life, vols. 1-3 to people across the United States. In 2023, we sent out nearly 16,000 sets to people in all 50 states. We continue to hear from recipients how these books have helped them know the Lord Jesus in a more personal way and advance in their Christian life.
For people who live outside the US, 7 of the titles we give away are available to download for free on our website. In 2023, these e-books were downloaded over 313,000 times by people all over the world. Besides the US, the countries with the most number of downloads were India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Nigeria. These e-books have also reached many other places including Iraq, where they were downloaded nearly 4,000 times.
These books are small but rich with wisdom. Plus there’s no cost. Great start for learning about salvation in Jesus. —Brina, Olive Branch, MS
After catastrophic wildfires ravaged parts of Maui in August, BfA sent over 3,200 gift packets containing pocket New Testaments, gospel tracts, and Christian books to be given away to the local people. Two teams of BfA staff members and volunteers also traveled to Maui to support local BfA volunteers in reaching out to the people who were affected.
After much prayer and coordination, the contact the teams had with both locals and relief organizations was very encouraging. There were many wonderful reports of people happily receiving the gift packets and heartened to see we were giving away New Testaments and Christian ministry materials.
The teams also encountered local store owners and operators who were willing to take gift packets to pass along to people, some even asking for a whole box of packets to distribute. We were touched by their heart to join us in spreading God’s Word to people who were in need.
We continue to stand with all the people of Maui who have suffered such devastating loss. Our prayer is that many would receive and read these New Testaments and know God as their Savior, Comforter, and the One who meets their every need.
This year, we continued producing digital resources to help people know God and understand the Bible. We launched a new video titled How Do Sins Affect My Relationship with God? It explains God's wonderful provision for dealing with the problem of our sins after we're saved.
The BfA Blog continues to be read by many seekers across the globe, with posts reaching over 1.3 million people this year alone. The single largest age group reading the blog comprises 18- to 24-year-olds, an encouraging indicator of a hunger for the truth in young people everywhere.
This summer, we upgraded our Spanish blog to make the content more accessible, adding elements like categories and a search function. The Spanish blog alone reached over 615,000 people in 142 different countries this year, and we continue to work to reach even more with our Spanish language materials.
I came across your blog post on The Three Parts of Man and I was drawn into it. I have now been blessed with seeing dozens upon dozens of people have their lives changed by addressing the spirit, soul and body together. All three are so uniquely and divinely connected. Thank you for the blog post, it was a breath of fresh air to read. —Daniel
As we look ahead to 2024 and all that the Lord has entrusted BfA with, we rely on your continued support. We at BfA are praying that the spiritual needs of people in so many places will be met and that many will find Him through this ministry. May God’s Word run as never before throughout the US and over the whole earth.
in oneness with our Savior God, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth. Specifically, please pray that:
to participate in the spreading of God’s Word. Your gifts will help cover:
To learn more about the different ways to give, please visit bfa.org/give.