Once Saved, Always Saved? — The Security of Salvation

Why don’t I feel like I’m saved? Am I really saved? Can I lose my salvation?

A Christian might think, “I know that I’m saved today, but how do I know that I’ll still be saved tomorrow? Is it possible for me to lose my salvation?” What does the Bible say about the security of our salvation?

The Bible’s answer can be summed up in the phrase, “Once saved, always saved.” Once you are saved, you are always saved. Watch here to know why.

This is the second video in a three-part series.

Video 1: Assurance of Salvation

Video 2: Security of Salvation

Video 3: Joy of Salvation

The contents of this video are taken from chapter 2 of “Basic Elements of the Christian Life,” vol. 1, entitled “The Assurance, Security, and Joy of Salvation.” Read the e-book for free at https://biblesforamerica.org/books

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