Our Savior God desires all men to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth.

1 Timothy 2:3–4

We’re believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, and we love the Bible!

Bibles for America is a nonprofit organization, and our mission is to give away free copies of the New Testament Recovery Version and Christian books throughout the United States. We’re believers in the Lord Jesus Christ (see our statement of faith), and we love the Bible!

We ourselves have been helped by this version of the New Testament and the Christian books we’ve selected to give away. We want to share them freely so more people can be spiritually nourished, grow in the Lord, and be brought on to the full knowledge of the truth.

We believe the entire Holy Bible—both Old and New Testaments—is the complete and only divine revelation of God. But because of cost, we give away only the New Testament so we can reach more people with God’s Word.

The publisher of the Recovery Version of the Bible is Living Stream Ministry. Bibles for America purchases bulk quantities of the New Testament Recovery Version from the publisher to give away to the general public.

In addition, we offer a number of free digital resources such as our blog, videos, and e-books.

As a nonprofit organization, we depend on donations to fulfill our mission, which enables us to make our materials absolutely free to anyone who wants them.

Bibles for America

Our History

Bibles for America history 2000


  • Bibles for America was founded by a group of believers in Christ in Southern California to purchase and give away copies of the New Testament Recovery Version throughout the United States.

Bibles for America history 2004


  • Along with the New Testament Recovery Version, we began to give away a selection of free Christian books that help believers grow in their faith.

Bibles for America history 2007


  • We added the Spanish translation of the New Testament Recovery Version and Christian books to our free offerings.

Bibles for America history 2013


  • We gave away our 1 millionth copy of the New Testament. We also launched the Bibles for America Blog with posts on knowing God, the Bible, and the Christian life.

Bibles for America history 2017


  • Our seven free Christian books became available to download as e-books on our site from anywhere in the world.

Bibles for America history 2022


  • Bibles for America gave away our 2 millionth copy of the New Testament Recovery Version.

“Reading the New Testament Recovery Version has taken me to a higher level. I finally feel like I am eating the meat, not just the milk of the Word...I can't thank the Lord enough and everyone who has made this possible.”

Our Impact

Since Bibles for America first began in 2000, we’ve given away over 2 million copies of the New Testament Recovery Version to people all across the US. We’ve also given away over 3 million copies of our free Christian books, and hundreds of thousands of people have downloaded the digital copies of the books from our site.

We frequently hear from people who have received the New Testaments and books remarking how they’ve benefited from them. Here are two comments:

“This little book set [Basic Elements of the Christian Life, vols. 1-3] has taught me more in 2 days than any other booklets I've read in 2.5 years. Thank you so much. I'm currently on volume 3. Wonderful little books they are.”—Teri M., Wenatchee, WA

“This is the best study Bible I own. The commentary is excellent and sheds tremendous light on the Word. As I read it I am constantly thanking God for bringing such an enlightened view of His Word into my life. God is awesome, profound, and always right on time.”—Teej R., Des Moines, IA


Bibles for America is a public charity recognized as tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of the United States. Donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

We’re grateful for the many who support the mission of Bibles for America so that millions of people across America can enjoy and benefit from the free New Testament and books we give away.

Read our latest annual report here.

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Bibles given away


Christian books given away