Free New Testament Recovery Version

This unique study Bible will help you understand and love the Word of God like never before.

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I thank God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ for the New Testament Recovery Version. I study and pray with this Bible daily. I find both the translation and the explanatory footnotes to be a real blessing. This Bible is helping me make progress in coming to know Jesus, the gospel, and the church.

Features in the Recovery Version:


Accurately translated from the original Greek text, yet easy to read and understand in modern English.


Invaluable outlines for each book pointing out its major sections for an in-depth overview.


Over 9,000 footnotes stressing the revelation of truth, light, and life in the Word of God.


Over 13,000 cross-references to enhance your Bible study, pointing to similar verses in the Word.

Charts & Maps

Helpful charts showing important biblical truths, and detailed New Testament maps.