On this page, you can explore free resources available from Bibles for America (BfA) that can help you grow in your faith and in your personal knowledge and experience of Jesus Christ.
The Bible is the Word of God; it’s God’s own speaking. Composed of two parts, the Old Testament and the New Testament, the Bible reveals to us God, Christ, the Christian life, the goal of the Christian life, and the meaning of life. God’s Word is also our spiritual food that nourishes us so we can live a normal Christian life and grow in the divine life of God. This is why it’s crucial for a believer to read the Bible regularly.
Since the Bible is so essential to a believer’s faith and walk with the Lord, we offer free copies of the New Testament Recovery Version. Of course, the entire Holy Bible—Old and New Testament—is the complete and only divine revelation of God. But because of the production and shipping costs, we give away only the New Testament, which allows us to reach more people with God’s Word.
The New Testament Recovery Version contains many explanatory notes. These notes give you insight into the meaning of the verses, while also nourishing you spiritually. We encourage you to order your free copy and begin reading it so you can develop your personal relationship with Jesus Christ and be inwardly fed with the Word of God.
Take a look at our free downloadable Christian e-books. These books have helped thousands of people understand the basic matters of Christian life and to know Christ in a deep, personal way. We recommend getting started with the series Basic Elements of the Christian Life, which covers crucial subjects such as “The Precious Blood of Christ,” “Calling on the Name of the Lord,” and “A Time with the Lord.”
On the Bibles for America Blog, read posts about the Christian life and different topics related to the Bible. You can subscribe to the blog to get posts emailed to your inbox directly. The following posts in particular are a good place for a new believer to start:
You can watch short BfA videos on the gospel, biblical truth, and other topics. These videos would be a great starting point:
Listen to the BfA Podcast from our website and subscribe to it on Apple Podcasts. Episodes discuss the gospel, the Bible, Christian experience, and other topics, and are based on our blog posts.
If you’d like to get in touch with other Christians who use Bibles for America materials, email us at info@bfa.org and we’ll do our best to get you connected.